I see a lot of new users coming on board and I wanted to thank you and welcome you to the group. If you notice the tabs above, depending on your level of participation within 365 you are seeing a different amount of tabs and different topics on the tabs as of today. Anyway as we continue to build this app out to enable more options and better information what would you like to see added to the app? One thing we are talking about adding in a tab above for a topic or a direct conversation piece is the ability for an agronomist and or grower to open that tab and directly contact a company rep and ask for opinions and or recommendations on products that the manufacture or company brings to the table. For simplicity a direct line to the professionals that handle those products on a daily basis. Do you like this idea or feel a need for something like this? Any other ideas ?

Posted by Jason Schley at 2021-08-19 20:55:55 UTC